Leading the Way in Professional Audio Visual Systems Design for Churches, Schools, and Commercial applications

Power Sound of New England has been serving houses of worship and businesses the with old-fashioned customer care and new cutting edge technology since 1969. Though we specialize in church sound systems and church video projection we serves other industries as well. Our customers includes schools, arenas, stadiums as well as smaller Catholic churches and houses of worship.

Or goal is to offer a custom system for each customer's unique space, budget and performance needs. Often the design and installation is just the beginning. Our relationship with our customers lasts far beyond.

We've created the blog to talk about some of our projects and new technologies within the audio visual systems industry.

Friday, February 13, 2015

"Border-less Worship" 
when they can't be there, bring the church to them...

Live Video Streaming, In High-Definition, Especially for Churches
If they can’t make it, they can still be there.

What is Power Sound's Live Video Streaming? Live Streaming isn’t new, but they way we do it is.
High-definition. Fluid motion. Vibrant Color.  Automated. Our 24/7 support.
AND… we have designed it so our monthly streaming services are approximately 1/3 of the price of traditional streaming providers!

“Following biblical guidance in the age of technology”…
Mark 16:15   And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
“Live streaming has allowed us to spread the gospel to thousands of people beyond the walls of our church and has touched lives beyond our physical congregation. We've even had worshipers both local and far away who've watched the live video stream of our worship  services on our website, and decide to come worship with us. We are thankful for the technological ability to follow scripture and preach the gospel worldwide.”
- Dr. Jennifer G. Sneed, AV Ministry Chair
Macedonia Baptist Church, Albany NY

Anyone can be there live and in real-time!  Whether they are:

  • In the Armed Services Serving Overseas
  • Unable to Drive
  • Elderly
  • Physically Disabled                              
  • On vacation or traveling for mission work
  • Living Out-of-State seasonally
  • Families who have moved
  • Relatives living far away

View examples churches and synagogue of live streaming here.

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