Leading the Way in Professional Audio Visual Systems Design for Churches, Schools, and Commercial applications

Power Sound of New England has been serving houses of worship and businesses the with old-fashioned customer care and new cutting edge technology since 1969. Though we specialize in church sound systems and church video projection we serves other industries as well. Our customers includes schools, arenas, stadiums as well as smaller Catholic churches and houses of worship.

Or goal is to offer a custom system for each customer's unique space, budget and performance needs. Often the design and installation is just the beginning. Our relationship with our customers lasts far beyond.

We've created the blog to talk about some of our projects and new technologies within the audio visual systems industry.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Great Church Sound! Three Pittsfield MA Catholic Churches…

have put their faith in us for professional, effective AV systems this year.
It seems that the word of our trusted Audio Visual Solutions for worship is getting around!

To improve sound at St. Joseph Church, Msgr. Shershanovich chose Power Sound of New England for the design & installation of a new church audio system.  We had already completed a successful sound system renovation project at Sacred Heart, “The Pink Church” in Pittsfield Massachusetts. The pastor there, Rev. James R. Joyce had highly recommended Power Sound of New England to Monsignor who was seeking to solve the issues with the St. Joseph Church’s sound system. I spoke with Rev. Joyce after his project was complete to hear how the parish was enjoying the new quality sound and he was enthusiastic in his praise of the improved audio quality.

“We’re really thrilled! ...For the first time in years the Music Ministry can hear the homily—
they are very happy.”      ~ Rev. James K. Joyce

In addition to custom church sound renovations at Sacred Heart and St. Joseph Church, PSNE was also chosen for a comprehensive audio renovation at St. Mark’s in Pittsfield.

The Project at St. Joseph Church

The goal was to improve the sound quality at St. Joseph Church for the Celebrants and Lectors as well as for choir and music ministry. Some Masses at the church are in English and some in Spanish. We wanted to be sure the sound projection was optimum for Celebrants speaking both Spanish and English, and varied musical elements of the Masses. We understand the nature of multi-lingual church communities and we tailor each audio system design to accommodate each congregation’s unique worship needs.

We analyzed their diverse needs, working closely with the pastor, Msgr. Shershanovich. After a acoustical analysis of the worship space, we designed a custom system to meet their primary goals – to provide clarity for both the Spoken Word and the Music Ministry. "The big challenge has always been building a hybrid to address both", said Power Sound’s design specialist and general manager Troy Jennings. “With our unique understand of worship and experience with the most advanced audio technology we were able to achieve exceptional results; far surpassing the parish’s audio expectations."

In worship space audio renovation projects it is foremost that improved sound intelligibility is essential, but aesthetics in this majestic church mattered also. As part of the sound system we chose BOSE Panaray® speakers, designed especially for church environments. A towering 9 feet tall, yet just 4 inches wide, they are custom-painted to complement the surface to which they are mounted so the only thing noticed is rich, clear sound.

The photo here demonstrates the ease with which the loudspeakers harmonize the environment.

Since the installation the reviews form clergy and congregation have been quite complimentary. How’s the sound in your church?

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